JC Code & Construction Consultants, Inc. has an extensive list of classes to choose from which will keep your staff up to date on the current codes, statutes, and standards. Our courses are approved for professional license renewal credits for building officials, contractors, design professionals, fire inspectors and floodplain managers.
See what we can do for you!!
JC Code & Construction Consultants, Inc. is an approved continuing education provider by the CILB, BCAIB, FBAID, FDICE, and FBPE. DBPR Provider #0003379, FCDICE Provider #14576, ICC Preferred Provider #1047, Miami-Dade County Provider #D098.
To get more information or to “lock in” your training date, use our “Contact Us” form or call John directly at 561-662-6545.

Approvals: BCAIB: 5008678 (W) CILB: 0613517 (W) FBAID: * FBPE: 0009143 (W) FCDICE: RN16323 (W) ICC: 24331 (W) | Accessible Assembly Areas. This course is designed to provide an overview of the technical provisions for the design and construction of accessible assembly areas as required under the Florida Building Code, Building and Accessibility Volumes | 1.0 hr. |
Approvals: FBC: 853.0 BCAIB: 5008160 CILB: 0612560 (W) FBAID: * FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: RN14539 (W) ICC: 14560 (W) | Advanced Training: Accessible Routes Under the Florida Accessibility Code. This advanced course is designed to provide 2.0 hours of building code training on the technical provisions contained in Chapter 4, Accessible Routes of the Florida Building Code, Accessibility Volume. | 2.0 hrs. |
Approvals: FBC 629.2 BCAIB:5007766 CILB:0610538 (W) FBAID: * FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: RN14538 (W) ICC: 1794 (W) | Advanced Training: The Florida Accessibility Code Ch. 2 Scoping Requirements. This advanced course is designed to provide building code training in the Scoping Requirements as contained in Chapter 2 of the Florida Building Code, Accessibility Volume. | 2.0 hrs. |
Approvals: BCAIB: 5007944 CILB: 0611672 FBAID: * FBPE: 0009142 FCDICE: RN14513 ICC: 7189 (W) | Fair Housing Under The FBC – Accessibility. This course provides an overview of the administrative and technical provisions of the Fair Housing Act as contained in the Florida Building Code, Accessibility Volume. This course focuses on the most important provisions, which are discussed in depth. | 2.0 hrs. |
Approvals: BCAIB: 5007893 CILB: 0611427 FBAID: * FBPE: 0009142 FCDICE: RN14547 MDC: D098-005 ICC: 3428 (W) | Interpreting The Florida Accessibility Code: Ch. 3, Building Blocks. This course is designed to provide 2.0 hours of building code training on the technical provisions contained in Chapter 3 of the of the Florida Building Code, Accessibility Volume. Chapter 3 (Building Blocks) of the Accessibility Volume addresses the requirements for ground surfaces, reach ranges, and clearances. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: 5007891 CILB: 0611428 FBAID: * FBPE: 0009144 (W) FCDICE: RN14548 ICC: 3430 (W) | Plumbing Elements & Facilities Under the Florida Accessibility Code. This course is designed to provide 3.0 hours of building code training on the technical provisions contained in Chapter 6, Plumbing Elements and Facilities, of the Florida Building Code, Accessibility Volume | 3.0 hrs. |
Approvals: BCAIB: 5008612 (W) CILB: 0613516 (W) FBAID: * FBPE: 0009143(W) FCDICE: RN16102 (W) MDC: D098 – 047 (W) ICC: 22988 (W) | Stairs & Handrails Under the FBC, Accessibility. This course is designed to provide an overview of the technical provisions for the design and construction of stairs and handrails as required per the Florida Building Code, Accessibility Volume. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613759 (W) FBPE: 0009143 (W) FCDICE: RN16757 (W) MDC: D098-045 (W) ICC: 26646 (W) | 7th Edition FBC, Building: Ch. 10, Means of Egress. This course provides an overview of the Means of Egress provisions as contained in Chapter 10 of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Building Volume. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0614149 (W) FBPE:0009143 (W) FCDICE: RN17462 W) MDC: D098-050(W) ICC: 30660 (W) | Building Construction Standards: Manufactured Buildings. This course is designed to familiarize code officials, design professionals, and contractors with an overview of the requirements for manufactured buildings in Florida State Statute 553 and Section 458 of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Building Volume. | 1.0 hr New For 2022. |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613019 FBPE:0009143 (W) MDC: D098-011 ICC: 18594 | Component & Cladding Wind Loads Under The FBC. This course is designed to provide code officials, design professionals, and contractors with an understanding of the methods contained in the Florida Building Code, Building Volume and ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures utilized to determine building component and cladding wind loads. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0614151 (W) FBPE:0009142 (W) MDC: D098-060 (W) ICC: 30687 (W) | Concrete & Clay Tile Roofing Under The FBC. This course is designed to provide contractors, code officials and design professionals with an overview of the selection and installation of concrete and clay tile roof coverings under the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code. | 2.0 hrs New For 2022 |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0614171 (W) FBPE:0009143 (W) FCDICE: RN17463 (W) MDC: D098-062 (W) ICC: 30666 (W) | Fire Stopping Rated Assemblies. This course is designed to provide participants with an overview of the technical provisions for the firestopping of rated assemblies as required under Sections 714 and 715 of the Florida Building Code, Building Volume. | 1.0 New For 2022 |
Approvals: ASFPM: 1.0 CEC (W) BCAIB: * CILB: 0613470 (W) FBAID: 9878841 FBPE:0009142 (W) ICC: 23583 (W) | Flood Damage Prevention: The Basics. This course provides an overview of the basic flood damage prevention provisions contained in the 7th Edition (2020) of the Florida Building Code, Building Volume with additional explanatory information taken from the “Quick Guide” (2017 Edition) provided by the Florida Division of Emergency Management | 2.0 hr |
Approvals: ASFPM: 1.0 CEC (W) BCAIB: * CILB: 0614054 (W) FBPE: 0009143 (W) ICC: 29264 (W) | Flood Damage-Resistant Material Requirements Under The FBC. This course provides an overview of the technical provisions for the selection and use of flood damage resistant materials in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) as required under the Florida Building Code & ASCE 24, Flood Resistant Design and Construction. | 1.0 hr New For 2022. |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: Pending (W) FBPE: 0009143 (W) MDC: D098-065 (W) ICC: 30850 (W) | Impact Protection Under The FBC. This course provides technical information on impact protection requirements, calculating wind loads, product testing requirements under the High Velocity Hurricane Zone Test Protocols Volume, the applicable ASTM standards, as required under the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Building Volume. | |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0611324 FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: ATPC13680 (W) ICC: 2548 | Interpreting GA 600 Fire Resistance Design Manual. This course is designed to provide participants with detailed information on reading and interpreting the Gypsum Association GA 600 – Fire Resistance Design Manual. This seminar will assist code users in understanding the terminology used in the manual and how to interpret the requirements contained in the manual. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: ASFPM: 2.0 CEC (W) BCAIB: * CILB: 0611915 FBPE: 0009142 (W) ICC: 8710 (W) | Interpreting the NEW FEMA Elevation Certificate. The course discusses the revisions to FEMA elevation certificate OMB 1660-0008 and provides detailed instruction on the form requirements, correct identification of the different building types, and the methods used to correctly establish building elevations based upon the building type. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613017 FBPE:0009142 (W) MDC: D098-012 ICC: 18596 (W) | Interpreting Window & Door Product Approvals. This course is designed to provide code officials, design professionals, and contractors with detailed technical instruction on how to read and interpret window/mullion product approvals and door product approvals along with the associated drawings | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0614150 )W) FBPE:0009142 (W) MDC: D098-067 (W) ICC: 30685 (W) | Metal Roofing Under The FBC. This course is designed to provide contractors, code officials and design professionals with an overview of the selection and installation of metal roof coverings under the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code. | 2.0 hrs New For 2022 |
Approvals: ASFPM: 2.0 CEC (W) BCAIB: * CILB: 0612272 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) ICC: 12210 (W) | Protecting Building Utilities From Flood Damage. This course provides an overview of the requirements for the protection of building utilities from flood damage with specifications based upon the Florida Building Codes, ASCE 24, Flood Resistant Design and Construction, and FEMA / NFIP flood damage prevention provisions. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0614164 (W) FBPE:0009142 (W) MDC: D098-066 (W) ICC: 30675 (W) | Reinforced Concrete Construction. This course provides an overview of the technical provisions for the design and inspection of reinforced concrete constructed buildings as required under Chapter 19 of the Florida Building Code and AIC-318, Building Code Requirements For Structural Concrete | 2.0 hrs New For 2022 |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613178 (W) FBPE:0009142 (W) MDC: D098-040 (W) ICC: 21049 (W) | Roof Trusses Under The FBC. This course provides an overview of the technical provisions for pre-engineered roof trusses as contained in the Florida Building Code, Building Volume and a review of industry accepted practices for their safe handling and installation. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613772 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) MDC: D098-035 (W) ICC: 26656 (W) | Roofing Under The 7th Edition FBC. This course is designed to provide an overview of the changes occurring applicable to the selection and installation of roof coverings under the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613764 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) MDC: D098-039 (W) ICC: 26648 (W) | Shipping Container Structures Under The FBC. This course provides an overview of the technical provisions for the repurposing of ISO intermodal shipping containers as buildings and building components of accessible assembly areas as required under the Florida Building Code, Building Volume. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613340 (W) FBAID: 9878834 FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: RN15984 (W) MDC: D098-029 (W) ICC: 22590 (W) | Significant Changes to the 7th Edition (2020) FBC, Building Volume, Chapters 1-7. This course provides an overview of some of the most significant changes occurring in Chapters 1 through 7 of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Building Volume | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: ASFPM: 1.0 CEC BCAIB: * CILB: 0612094 FBPE: 0009143 ICC: 10100 | The CCCL & ASCE 24 Under The FBC (Part I). This course provides an overview of the most significant changes occurring in Section 3109, Structures Seaward of a Coastal Construction Control Line, of the Florida Building Code, Building Volume. The provisions of ASCE 24, Flood Resistant Design and Construction, are discussed in Part II of this course. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: ASFPM: 1.0 CEC BCAIB: * CILB: 0612095 FBPE: 0009143 ICC: 10101 | The CCCL & ASCE 24 Under The FBC (Part II). This course provides an overview of the most significant provisions contained in ASCE 24, Flood Resistant Design and Construction. The provisions contained in Section 3109, Structures Seaward of a Coastal Construction Control Line, of the Florida Building Code, Building Volume, are discussed in Part I of this course. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613015 FBPE:0009143 MDC: D098-010 ICC: 18595 | Windows & Doors: Test Provisions Under the FBC, Ch. 17 This course is designed to provide code officials, design professionals, and contractors with an understanding of the testing requirements for windows and doors as contained in Chapter 17 of the Florida Building Code, Building Volume, Special Inspections and Tests. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: FBC: 854.0 BCAIB: * CILB: 0612559 FBAID: * FBPE: 0009143 HI: 0001527 (W) ICC: 14561 | Advanced Training: FMA/AAMA 200 Window Installation. This advanced course is designed to familiarize code officials, design professionals, and contractors with an overview of the window and flashing installation requirements contained in the FMA/AAMA 200 Window Installation standard for masonry construction, as referenced in the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: FBC: 912.0 BCAIB: * CILB: 0612885 (W) ECLB: 0802222 FBAID: * FCDICE: RN14713 (W) FBPE: 0009143 (W) HI: 0001538 MDC: D098-020 ICC: 17762 (W) | Advanced Training: Smoke Alarms Under the FBC, Residential & NFPA 72. This advanced course is designed to familiarize code officials, design professionals, and contractors with an overview of the location and installation requirements for smoke alarms contained in the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume and the 2013 Edition of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613334 (W) FBAID: 9878830 FBPE: 0009143 (W) FCDICE: RN16042 (W) HI: 0001567 MDC: D098-042 (W) ICC: 22591(W) | Code Compliant Tiny Houses Under The 7th Ed. FBC, Residential. This course provides an overview of the provisions for the design and construction of code compliant “Tiny Houses” contained in Appendix Q of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613729 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) MDC: D098- 046 (W) ICC: 26010 (W) | FBC-R Means of Egress. This course provides an overview of the means of egress provisions as required under the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613333 (W) ECLB: 0802223 FBAID: 9878840 FBPE: 0009143 (W) FCDICE: RN15987 (W) HI: 0001537 MDC: D098-022 ICC: 22547 (W) | FBC, Residential 7th Edition Solar Energy Systems. This course is designed to provide building code officials, contractors, design professionals and fire officials with an overview of the changes occurring in Section R324. Solar Energy Systems, of the 7th Edition (2020) of the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0610162 FBPE: 0009142 FCDICE: ATPC13678 HI: 0001529 ICC: 1789 | Fireplaces & Chimneys Under the FRC. This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of the plan review and field inspection requirements of masonry and pre-engineered fireplaces and chimneys as required under Chapters 10 and 18 of the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. UL and NFPA requirements are also discussed. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0612561 FBAID: 9878661 FBPE: 0009142 HI: 0001528 ICC: 14562 | FMA/AAMA 100 Window Installation. This course is designed to familiarize code officials, design professionals, and contractors with an overview of the window and flashing installation requirements contained in the FMA/AAMA 100 Window Installation standard for wood/metal frame construction, as referenced in the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: ASFPM: 1.0 CEC (W) BCAIB: * CILB: 0613553 (W) FBPE:0009143 (W) ICC: 24600 (W) | Flood Vents: Why & Where. This course provides an overview of the requirements for the selection and installation of flood relief openings in foundation walls and enclosures of buildings located in special flood hazard areas | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0611665 FBAID: 9878684 FBPE: 0009143 FCDICE: RN13999 HI: 0001523 ICC: 7193 | FRC Fuel Gas Fundamentals. This course provides an overview of the fundamental fuel gas code concepts contained in the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. This course focuses on the most important fuel gas provisions, which are discussed in depth. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0611671 FBPE: 0009142 FCDICE: RN16338 HI: 0001525 ICC: 7190 | FRC Mechanical Fundamentals Part I: Ch. 12 – 14. This course provides an overview of the fundamental mechanical code concepts contained in the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume, Chapters 12 through 14. This course focuses on the most important mechanical provisions, which are discussed in depth. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0611668 FBPE: 0009142 FCDICE: RN16339 HI:0001524 ICC: 7191 | FRC Mechanical Fundamentals Part II: Ch. 15 – 18. This course provides an overview of the fundamental mechanical code concepts contained in the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume, Chapters 15 through 18. This course focuses on the most important mechanical provisions, which are discussed in depth. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0611670 FBPE: 0009142 HI: 0001520 ICC: 7192 | FRC Plumbing Fundamentals. This course provides an overview of the fundamental plumbing code concepts contained in the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. This course focuses on the most important plumbing provisions, which are discussed in depth | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0612505 (W) FBPE: 0009142 HI: 0001193 ICC: 15598 | Hurricane Mitigation and the OIR-B1-1802 Form. This course provides an overview of the provisions related to the wind mitigation methodologies as contained in Chapter 7 of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Existing Building Volume and provides specific technical assistance in interpreting and completing the required Uniform Mitigation Verification Inspection Form OIR-B1-1802 | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: ASFPM: 2.0 CEC (W) BCAIB: * CILB: 0613511 FBPE:0009142 (W) ICC: 24389 (W) | Mobile Homes In Special Flood Hazard Areas. This course provides technical instruction on the requirements for the installation of mobile homes in special flood hazard areas (SFHA) as required under the Florida Building Code, Residential, Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 15C, and FEMA P-85, Protecting Manufactured from Flood and Other Hazards. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613268 (W) FBAID: 9878822 FBPE: 0009143 (W) HI: 0001532 MDC: D098-041 (W) ICC: 21786 (W) | Roof Pressures Under the 7th Ed. (2020) FBC, Residential. This course is designed to familiarize participants with the changes to roof covering design pressures occurring in the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Residential Volume due to the adoption of the 2016 Edition of ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613341 (W) FBAID: 9878854 FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: RN16324 (W) MDC: D098-030 HI: 0001519 ICC: 22592 (W) | Significant Changes to the 7th Edition (2020) FBC, Residential, Chapter 3, Building Planning. This course is designed to provide participants with an overview of some of the most significant changes occurring in Chapter 3, Building Planning of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613343 (W) FBAID: 9878855 FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: RN16041 (W) HI: 0001564 MDC: D098-031 ICC: 22597 (W) | Significant Changes to the Mechanical Provisions of the 7th Edition (2020) FBC, Residential Volume. This course is designed to provide participants with an overview of some of the most significant changes occurring in the mechanical provisions of the 7th Edition (2020) of the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0611667 FBAID: 9878662 FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: ATPC13688 (W) HI: 0001526 ICC: 7194 | Townhouse Fire & Life Safety Provisions. This course discusses the fire and life safety provisions for townhouse construction as contained in the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. This course addresses issues based on exterior wall and opening protection, separation of units, means of egress, and fire protection requirements. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0612096 FBPE: 0009143 HI: 0001568 ICC: 10618 | Wind Mitigation Opening Protection Under the FBC- Residential. This course provides an overview of the wind mitigation requirements for glazed opening impact protection as required under the Florida Building Code, Residential Volume | 1.0 hr |
Energy Conservation Volume | COURSE TITLE / DESCRIPTION | LENGTH: |
Approvals: BCAIB: 5008775 (W) CILB: 0613731 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) ICC: 26011 (W) | Florida Energy Code Basics, Residential. This course provides an overview of some of the basic energy conservation provisions contained in the residential provisions of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation Volume. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: 5008592 CILB: 0611247 FBPE: 0009142 ICC: 2481 | Residential Energy: Sealing the Thermal Envelope. This course is designed to provide participants with information to assist the participant in understanding the changes to the residential provisions contained in the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation Volume specific to the requirements for air tightness, sealing the thermal envelope and the requirements for mechanical ventilation. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: 5008591 (W) CILB: 0613415 (W) FBAID: 9878858 FBPE: 0009142 (W) MDC: D098-044 (W) ICC: 22748 (W) | Significant Changes to the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation. This course provides an overview of the most significant changes occurring in the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation Volume, Commercial and Residential Provisions. Both base code changes (2018 International Energy Conservation Code) and Florida Specific Code Amendments are identified and discussed | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: 5008593 CILB: 0611914 FBPE: 0009142 ICC: 8712 | Understanding The Energy Rating Index (ERI) Compliance Method. This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge necessary to read and understand energy code compliance forms using the Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index. The HERS Index is the nationally recognized scoring system for measuring a home’s energy performance. | 2.0 hrs |
Existing Building Volume | COURSE TITLE / DESCRIPTION | LENGTH: |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0610384 FBAID: 9878508 FBPE: 0009142 FCDICE: RN14450 MDC: D098-006 ICC: 4423 | Application of the Florida Existing Building Code. This course provides an overview of the requirements of the Florida Building Code, Existing Building Volume. The course provides a basis for the correct use and application of the code and provides an understanding of the intent of the code through an analysis of the classifications of work, the levels of alterations, repairs, and additions. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: ASPFM: 3.0 CEC BCAIB: * CILB: 0610558 (W) FBAID: 9878726 FBPE: 0009144 ICC: 1787 | Determining Substantial Improvements Under The Florida Building Code, Existing Building Volume. This course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive review of the floodplain construction requirements as contained in the Florida Building Code, Existing Building Volume. This course also provides specific information in determining “substantial improvements and substantial damage” under the code and provides an overview of FEMA P-758, Substantial Improvement / Substantial Damage Desk Reference | 3.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613016 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: RN15032 (W) MDC: D098-013 (W) ICC: 18597 (W) | Existing Building Code MEP Provisions. This course is designed to provide code officials, design professionals, and contractors with an understanding of the requirements contained in the Florida Building Code, Existing Building Volume applicable to mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0612686 FBAID: 9878675 FBPE: 0009143 FCDICE: RN14442 ICC: 15905 | FBC Existing Building Ch. 15 Construction Safeguards. This course is designed to provide participants with an overview of the requirements contained in Ch. 15 of the Florida Building Code, Existing Building Volume, addressing construction safeguards. The provisions of Ch. 15 are applicable when an existing building is undergoing repairs, alterations, or additions. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0612505 FBPE: 0009142 HI: 0001193 ICC: 15598 | Hurricane Mitigation & The OIR 1802 Form. This course provides home inspectors licensed under F.S. 468, and other participants with 2.0 hours of training directly related to hurricane wind mitigation methodologies and provides specific technical assistance in interpreting and completing the required Uniform Mitigation Verification Inspection Form OIR-B1-1802 | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613314 (W) FBAID: 9878829 FBPE: 0009143 (W) MDC: D098-017 (W) ICC: 22223 (W) | Roofing Wind Mitigation. This course is designed to provide participants with an overview of the roofing wind mitigation methodology provisions as contained in Chapter 7 of the Florida Building Code, Existing Building Volume | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: ASFPM: 2.0 CEC (W) BCAIB: * CILB: 0612752 (W) FBAID: 9878724 FBPE: 0009142 (W) ICC: 16394 (W) | The Flood Provisions of the Florida Existing Building Code. This course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive review of the floodplain construction requirements as contained in the Florida Building Code, Existing Building Volume. This course also contains information related to floodplain construction requirements under FEMA rules and regulations, ASCE 24, Flood Resistant Design and Construction and discusses floodplain management responsibilities | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613021 FBPE: 0009142 FCDICE: RN15031 MDC: D098-003 ICC: 18593 | Fuel Gas System Design & Installation. This course provides an overview of the most significant code provisions applicable to the design and installation of fuel gas systems as contained in the Florida Building Code, Fuel Gas Volume. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613335 (W) FBAID: 9878833 FBPE: 0009143 (W) FCDICE: RN15985 (W) MDC: D098-023 (W) ICC: 22595 (W) | Significant Changes to the 7th Edition (2020) FBC, Fuel Gas Volume. This course is designed to provide an overview of some of the most significant changes occurring in the 7th Edition (2020) of the Florida Building Code, Fuel Gas Volume. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0610362 FBPE: 0009145 FCDICE: ATPC13675 ICC: 8713 | Basic Concepts of the Florida Building Code – Mechanical Volume. This course provides an overview of the design, installation and inspection principles of the Florida Building Code, Mechanical Volume | 4.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0610099 FBPE: 0009142 FCDICE: ATPC13676 ICC: 1790 | Commercial Kitchen Hood Ventilation. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive review of the requirements for the installation of Type I and Type II commercial kitchen ventilation hoods under Florida Building Code, Mechanical Volume, Sections 506, 507, 508 and 509, and NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613834 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: RN16766 (W) MDC: D098-049 (W) ICC: 27195 (W) | Exhaust Systems Under The 7th Ed. FBC.Mechanical. This course is designed to provide an understanding of the technical provisions contained in the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Mechanical volume applicable to the requirements for building exhaust systems. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0614157 (W) FBPE:0009142 (W) MDC: D098-068 (W) ICC: 30681 (W) | Fire & Smoke Dampers: The Basics. This course provides participants with an overview of the technical provisions for the selection and installation of fire and smoke dampers under the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Mechanical Volume. | 2.0 hrs New For 2022 |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0614156 (W) FBPE:0009142 (W) MDC: D098-069 (W) ICC: 30683 (W) | FMC Ventilation & Duct Systems. This course provides participants with an overview of the technical provisions for the selection and installation of duct systems under the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Mechanical Volume. | 2.0 hrs New For 2022 |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613342 (W) FBAID: 9878832 FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: RN15986 (W) MDC: D098-028 (W) ICC: 22596 (W) | Significant Changes to the 7th Edition (2020) FBC, Mechanical Volume. This course provides an overview of some of the most significant changes occurring in the 7th Edition (2020) of the Florida Building Code, Mechanical Volume. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613774 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) MDC: D098-048 (W) ICC: 26655 (W) | Ventilation Under The 7th Edition Florida Building Code. This course is designed to provide an understanding of the technical provisions contained in the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code applicable to the requirements for building ventilation | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613020 FBPE: 0009142 MDC: D098-002 ICC: 18592 | FPC Ch.4: Fixtures, Faucets & Fixture Fittings. This course provides an overview of the provisions contained in Chapter 4 of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Plumbing Volume. Discussed are the general requirements and limitations applicable to the selection, use, and installation of fixtures, faucets, and fixture fittings. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0614181 (W) FBPE:0009142 (W) MDC: D098-064 (W) ICC: 306977 (W) | FPC Ch. 6, Water Supply & Distribution. This course provides an overview of the provisions contained in Chapter 6 of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Plumbing Volume. Discussed are the general requirements for the design, installation and protection of potable water supply systems. | 2.0 hrs New For 2022. |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 614179 (W) FBPE:0009142 (W) MDC: D098-061 (W) ICC: 30679 (W) | FPC Ch. 7, Sanitary Drainage. This course provides an overview of the provisions contained in Chapter 7 of the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Plumbing Volume. Discussed are the general requirements for the design, and installation of sanitary drainage systems | 2.0 hrs New For 2022. |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613771 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) MDC: D098-036 (W) ICC: 26651 (W) | Medical Gas Systems & NFPA 99. This course provides an overview of the technical provisions for the installation medical gas systems under the 7th Edition Florida Building Code, Plumbing Volume and the 2018 Edition of NFPA 99, Health Care Facilities Code | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613336 (W) FBAID: 9878856 FBPE: 0009143 (W) MDC: D098-026 (W) ICC: 22593 (W) | Significant Changes to the 7th Edition (2020) FBC, Plumbing Volume, Ch. 1-7. This course provides an overview of some of the most significant changes occurring in the 7th Edition (2020) of the Florida Building Code, Plumbing Volume, Ch. 1 through 7 | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613337 (W) FBAID: 9878857 FBPE: 0009143 (W) MDC: D098-027 (W) ICC: 22594 (W) | Significant Changes to the 7th Edition (2020) FBC, Plumbing Volume, Ch. 8-13. This course provides an overview of some of the most significant changes occurring in the 7th Edition (2020) of the Florida Building Code, Plumbing Volume, Ch. 8 through 13. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0613757 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) MDC: D098-043 (W) ICC: 26653 (W) | Venting Basics Under The 7th Edition, FBC, Plumbing. This course is designed to provide an understanding of the technical provisions contained in the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Plumbing Volume applicable to the venting of plumbing systems | 2.0 hrs |
NFPA 70, National Electric Code | COURSE TITLE / DESCRIPTION | LENGTH: |
Approvals: Webinar Only ECLB: 082632 FBPE:0009142 (W) MDC: D098-059 ICC: 306972 | NEC Article 250: Grounding & Bonding. This course provides an overview of requirements for the grounding and bonding of electrical installations required by the 2017 Edition of NFPA 70 National Electrical Code. | 2.0 hrs New For 2022. |
Approvals: Webinar Only BCAIB: * CILB: 0613766 (W) ECLB: 0802457 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: RN16685 (W) MDC: D098-038 (W) ICC: 26642 (W) | NFPA 70 Article 680 Swimming Pools. This course provides an overview of requirements for electrical installations associated with permanently installed swimming pools, storable pools, spas and hot tubs as required by the 2017 Edition of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: Webinar Only BCAIB: * CILB: 0613768 (W) ECLB: 0802452 (W) FBPE: 0009142 (W) FCDICE: RN16684 (W) MDC: D098-037 (W) ICC: 26644 (W) | Energy Storage Systems. This course provides an overview of requirements for electrical installations associated with energy storage systems as required by the 2017 Edition of NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, the 2020 Florida Building Code: Residential, and NFPA 855, Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: Webinar Only BCAIB: * CILB: 0613014 ECLB: 0802115 FBPE: 0009143 HI: 0001566 MDC: D098-009 FCDICE: RN15011 ICC: 18466 | An Overview of Article 625, Electric Vehicle Charging System. This course is designed to familiarize participants with an overview of the installation requirements for electric vehicle charging systems contained in Article 625 of the 2017 Edition of NFPA 70, the National Electric Code. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: Webinar Only CILB: 0614168 ECLB: 0802636 FBPE: 0009142 FCDICE: RN17467 MDC: D098-067 ICC: 30669 | Photovoltaic System Basics. This course provides an overview of requirements for the design, installation, and inspection of photovoltaic systems required by the 2017 Edition of NFPA 70 National Electrical Code. | 2.0 hrs New For 2022. |
Non-Code Based Courses | ||
Approvals: BCAIB: * (Gen.) CILB: 0612687 (BP) ECLB:0802217 (BP) MDC: D098-018 ICC: 15904 | An Overview of F.S. 713, Part I Construction Liens. This course is designed to provide participants with an overview of the requirements contained in Florida State Statute 713, Part I, Construction Liens and discusses the rights and responsibilities of lienors and property owners | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * (Gen.) CILB: 0612156 (Laws & Rules Credit) FBAID: * ICC: 15594 | Construction Laws & Rules. This course is designed to provide contractors certified or registered under F.S. 489 with 1.0 hour of training, specifically in the Florida State Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rules applicable to the construction industry. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: FBPE: 0010514 (W) ICC: 25008 (W) | Engineering Laws & Rules. This interactive, instructor led course is designed to provide professional engineers licensed under F.S. 471 with 1.0 hour of training in the laws and rules applicable to the engineering profession. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB:5007860 (W) CILB: 0611105 MDC: D098-001 ICC: 1621 | Ethics For Construction Professionals. This course is designed to provide participants with training in Ethics as it relates to the construction industry | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: FBPE: 0010510 (W) ICC: 25012 (W) | Ethics In Engineering. This course is designed to provide professional engineers licensed under F.S. 471 with 1.0 hour of training in ethics applicable to the engineering profession. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * (Gen.) CILB: 0613347 (L&R) (W) ECLB:0802229 FBAID: * MDC: D098-021 (W) ICC: 22224 (W) | F.S. 455 & The Construction Industry. This course is designed to provide 1.0 hour of training in the laws and rules applicable to the construction industry. This course provides an overview of Florida State Statute 455, Business and Professional Regulation: General Provisions | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: 5008048 (W) CILB: 0611099 (W) FBAID: * MDC: D098-004 (W) ICC: 898 (W) | Laws & Rules Update. This course is designed to provide code officials and contractors with an understanding of the laws and rules regulating their professions. The Florida State Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rules regulating the construction professional are discussed | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: 5008676 (L&R) CILB: 0613344 (Gen.) (W) ECLB: 0802225 FBAID: * FBPE: 0009143 (W) MDC: D098-032 (W) ICC: 22548 (W) | Legal Aspects of the Florida Building Code, Part I. This course reviews some of the most significant provisions contained in Florida State Statute 553, Building Construction Standards, applicable to the Florida Building Code and discusses how the statutory provisions are incorporated into the 7th Edition, (2020) codes | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: 5008677 (L&R) (W) CILB: 0613345 (Gen.) (W) ECLB: 0802224 FBAID: * FBPE: 0009143 (W) MDC: D098-033 (W) ICC: 22549 (W) | Legal Aspects of the Florida Building Code, Part II. This course reviews some of the most significant provisions contained in Florida State Statute 553, Building Construction Standards, applicable to the Florida Building Code and discusses how the statutory provisions are incorporated into the 7th Edition, (2020) codes. | 2.0 hrs |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0614094 (W) ECLB: 0802216 (W) FBPE:0009142 (W) MDC: D098-054 (W) ICC: 29274 (W) | OSHA 1926 Construction Industry PPE. This course is designed to familiarize participants with the personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements under Section 1926, Subpart C of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules and regulations | 1.0 hr New For 2022 |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0612507 ICC: 14563 | OSHA 1926 Excavation Trench Safety. This course is designed to provide participants with workplace safety training directly related to excavation trench safety as required under Section 1926, Subpart P of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules and regulations. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0609657 ICC: 1780 | OSHA 1926 Fall Protection Safety. This course is designed to provide participants with workplace safety training directly related to the fall protection rules and regulations as required under Section 1926 Subparts M, X and L of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0610554 (W) ECLB: 0802215 MDC: D098-016 ICC: 1781 (W) | OSHA 1926 Ladder Safety. This course is designed to provide participants with workplace safety training directly related to the ladder rules and regulations as required under Section 1926 Subpart X of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0611191 ICC: 1782 | OSHA 1926 Scaffold Safety. TThis course is designed to provide participants with workplace safety training directly related to the scaffolding rules and regulations as required under Section 1926 Subpart L of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0612564 ICC: 14564 | OSHA 1926 Silica Standard For Construction. This course is designed to provide participants with workplace safety training specifically in the area of silica safety as required under Section 1926, Subpart Z of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules and regulations. | 1.0 hr |
Approvals: BCAIB: * CILB: 0609656 (W) ECLB: 0802216 MDC: D098-015 ICC: 1622 | Workers’ Compensation Update. This course is designed to provide participants with a review of the Workers Compensation requirements as contained in the Florida State Statute 440 and the current edition of the Florida Building Code, Building Volume | 1.0 hr |
Exam Preparation Class | ||
Permit Technicians Approvals: ICC: 3434 (.6 CEU) | Permit Tech Code Fundamentals. This class provides permit technicians with basic code knowledge, and information on improving the skills and abilities necessary to perform their jobs in code administration: legal aspects, code language, code enforcement, reading construction documents, performing plan reviews and the permitting and inspection process are discussed. Participants will become familiarized with the International and Florida Building/Residential Codes and sharpen their customer relations skills. This class is offered as an introduction to our Permit Tech Exam Preparation Class. | 6.0 hrs |
Permit Technicians | Permit Technician Exam Preparation. This class is designed to assist those interested in taking the International Code Council Permit Technician Certification Exam. The class provides detailed information on the exam contents, an overview of the reference materials, exam taking strategies, and includes practice exams | 6.0 hrs |
Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector | Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector Exam Preparation. This class is designed to assist those interested in taking the International Code Council Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector Certification Exam. The class provides detailed information on the exam contents, an overview of the reference materials, exam taking strategies, and includes practice exams. | 6.0 hrs |
- Course approvals including (W) indicates that the course is approved for classroom and webinar presentation.
- Course approval shown as * indicates approval is gained through BCAIB/CILB reciprocity.
- Course approval shown as “Pending” indicates that the course has been developed and has been
submitted for board approval(s). - Courses are subject to change.
- DBPR Provider #0003379
- FCDICE Provider #14576
- Miami-Dade County (BORA) Provider #D098
- ICC Preferred Provider #1047